It has been months now since I packed my bags and left Carefour, Haiti. The massive challenges faced by Hopital Adventiste d’Haiti are far removed from my life of comfort in California, but never far from my heart. I am grateful that I was able to be a small part of the volunteer army that spontaneously gathered in Haiti’s time of crisis. We were a band of physicians, nurses, physician assistants, dentist, midwives, physical therapists, plumbers, electricians, carpenters, pastors, teachers and students making a difference. I was able to observe up close an amazing team of selfless volunteers. Their countless hours of arduous work, teaming together regardless of profession saved and healed many lives.
Orthopedic surgeon Dr Scott Nelson speaking at the volunteer's worship on the front steps of Hopital Adventiste d'Haiti on a typical morning.
The OR board. On some days we would have over 30 cases. On this day, CURE International surgeons and LEAP plastic surgeons were operating along with the orthopedic cases.
Drs Terry Dietrich and Scott Nelson placing an external fixator.
Preparing for a re-amputation of a woman's leg that had been crushed by rubble in the quake.
Drs Anthony Coletta and Constantine Kokenes preparing to operate on an expatriate volunteer who's arm had been badly cut. Because all 3 surgery rooms were in use, preparation was begun in the OR hallway.
Dr Jeffrey Hartog performing plastic surgery on a 3 month old boy. This infant lives in a tent with his family after loosing their home in the quake. Their mosquito net had caught fire and he sustained severe burns on his head and hands.
Dr Burt Rappoli performing abdominal surgery. Dr Constantine Kokenes was the anesthesiologist.
Jessica Claridge, 4th year LLU medical student assisting Dr Nelson with a spinal fusion. This patient sustained a broken back during the earthquake. He had worn a body cast for months, but it would not heal. He had waited and waited for this surgery that would give him mobility once again. His sweet wife and two little children waited outside under a tree during his surgery.
Joseph Fritzner is preparing for an epidural before surgery for left leg wound debridement. He had broken both arms and femurs as well as his left tibia.
Because of Joseph Fritzner's left leg compartment syndrome, twice Dr Dietrich considered amputating his leg. Today his bones and wound has healed and he is able to walk with a cane. An amazing recovery!
A hydrocephalic toddler having a shunt inserted.
A leg amputation.
A Haitian preparing for orthopedic surgery to her injured arm.
Wally Jeanty, Romel Sajous and others in our translator / assistant OR team. They were always there to help us communicate in French or Creole to our patients and with the Haitian staff.
Drs Joseph Wujek & Barbie Phelps-Sandall removing fibroid uterus. Liz Dickinson, RN is assisting.
Several fibroid uterus' were removed during my stay. As is the custom in Haiti, any removed organs are placed in a bag with formaldehyde and given to the patient. So I had the honors of presenting this uterus to it's owner when she woke up!
Dr Terry Deitrich, Karen Fields, Ortho PA, and Jan Kass, RN placing a wound vac on a patient after wound debridment.
Drs Terry Dietrich and Hasan Syed placing an external fixator. Jeanie Dietrich RN was circulating and preparing for the next case.
Dallas Koperski, 4th yr LLU Medical Student seeing an ER patient in a temporary structure outside the hospital. He is assisted by Lance a paramedic/fireman from San Diego. Oftentimes more than 150 patients would be seen daily.
Seventeen year old Andre is an orphan. He had been cared for by his uncle who broke his neck during a voodoo ceremony. He has been in this cast while waiting for surgery to stabilize his cervical spine.
In the evening the halls of Hopital Adventiste are at last quiet. There are cots in the hall for our many overflow patients. Family members oftentimes sleep on the tile floors beside the cots.